Archive for April 26, 2010

How to train your dragon (esl poster)

Posted in ESL, Movies with tags , , , , , , , , on April 26, 2010 by EslImaginarium

How to :  Offering practical advice and detailed instruction on an activity.

How to use a movie poster

1.  Ask questions about the poster to illicit conversation- genre,synopsis,characters.

2.  Students have to describe the poster.

ex.  It is night time.  A boy with medium length brown hair is about to touch a blue dragon, etc.

3.  Cover the title and students have to make a title for the movie.

4.  Give examples of other posters (put them on the walls around the classroom) and examples of synopses.  Students have to match the posters with the synopses.

5.  Give a selection of “how to……” movie titles.  Students choose a title and describes the movie.

6.  Students make posters for their movie title

6.  Students present their poster to the class and describe the movie.

7.  Make a slide show of the students posters.  Show them the slideshow in the next class.  Compare their movie posters with the actual poster used.

Extra idea 1 :  Picture dictation

Students make pairs.  A from each pair is shown the poster.  They have to describe the poster to B.  B has to draw what A has dictated.

Extra idea 2 :  book adaptation

Students imagine that their favourite book is going to be adapted into a movie.  The student has to decide who will be the director and who they will choose for the main characters(celebrities,classmates etc).  They will then make an English movie poster and present it to the class.

How to train your dragon (esl title)

Posted in ESL, Movies with tags , , , , , , , on April 26, 2010 by EslImaginarium

How to :  Offering practical advice and detailed instruction on an activity.

How to use a movie title

1.  Mix the words or make an anagram of the title.  Ask the students what the correct title is.

ex.  dragon to your how train


how your dog ran into rat(sorry its the best I could come up with)

For some excellent movie anagrams click here.

2. In groups the students use the movie title to see how many words they can find using the letters from the title.  Give extra points for the longest word.

ex.        rain      round      throw      town

2.  Ask questions about the title to illicit conversation.

  • What kind of movie is it? (drill genres)
  • What is it about? (synopsis)  It’s about _____ who____
  • Who are the main characters and what are they like?(personality adjectives)

3.  Students make a poster for this movie using the information from the conversation.

4.  Show the students the actual movie poster and compare with their own posters.

5.  Students can present their posters to the class.

6.  Make a slide show of the students posters.  Show them the slideshow in the next class.